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A daily money manager does all the same things an accountant does for businesses, but for individuals.
This could be for a wide range of reasons including mental health, age, or a busy lifestyle. We provide accountability, help avoid fees, family conflict and fraud. NUMB3RS R US can handle the following for you with our bookkeeping, financial and accounting services:
Process mail and track expenses
Process timely expense payment to avoid late fees
Set up payment plans and work with creditors to reduce fees
Reconcile the check book and credit cards
Create and set up a budget that will help you get where you want to go
Analysis of spending and asset management. We do not invest but we can track value of assets for you.
Organize and maintain files
Trustee and Power of Attorney
Monitor accounts for fraud
Work with your tax accountant or personal representative
And more!
Each month we provide a statement. How detailed depends on the agreement. We can do this from your home or at our office.
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